Wednesday, August 18, 2010

America’s Most Honest Beggar!

How many of you would give your credit card to a stranger???

A homeless man in New York City is being rewarded for his honesty after it was reported he returned a credit card to a woman who lent it to him to buy cigarettes.

Last week, Manhattan advertising executive Merrie Harris didn't have any cash when Jay Valentine approached her outside a restaurant and asked for money to buy a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes. Not wanting to turn him away, she lent him her American Express Platinum credit card.

"Everybody [who saw Harris give him her card] said they thought that was the dumbest thing, that there's a fine line between charity and stupidity," Harris told the New York Post. Ten minutes later, Valentine returned with the credit card. "The guy just seemed totally trustworthy. He was very specific about what he wanted. I gave him a hug. I said, 'I knew you were coming back.'"

Days later a representative for Air Wisconsin, an airline operating out of La Guardia airport in New York, said Valentine should apply to be a flight attendant. An anonymous man from Texas offered him $5,000 and the paper reported they've received many emails offering rewards for the Valentine.

Most Honest Homeless Man in the City

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